Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why I Love My House

Well, a while ago I posted pictures of my new home. Soon after, I had my whole family over to celebrate my sister and nephew's birthdays. It was that weekend that I fell in love with my house. This is how it is supposed to be, full of people I love...I almost cried several times and other than a cold shower Dave ended up taking...it was pretty perfect.

Here are some pictures to illustrate...

My new couches are nice...but look how cute they are with dozers all snuggled in!

This is the volcano cake I made for Jonathan...it totally didn't work right, but he still acted very excited about it. I was very excited that so many people could be in my kitchen and I didn't feel crowded by anyone!

Here are the musically gifted of the family singing around the piano. They were practicing a song they sang for my Grandfather's funeral a few weeks later. They sounded amazing while practicing and at the service.

The cake may not have erupted, but it did do a pretty good job of smoking.

We put all the kids in the basement to sleep. I had found enough stuffed animals that they could all sleep with a little friend. Finishing the basement is the next big goal, I'm sure the kids will appreciate that...

Here we have two of my nephews before bed....I know you thought maybe one was a niece..but no, my nephew Nathan loves to sleep in a little pink nightgown...I mean nightshirt...and I think it's the most adorable thing in the whole entire world. No joke...the WHOLE WORLD!!

And finally, the living room...just full of people I love.

Well, there you have it. The #1 reason I love my house: People I love fit in it!


Mary Ann said...

I love your house too! And I'm pretty stinkin' jealous of your niece's chub! :)

Marla said...

oh man!! what a beautiful home with beautiful people in it. i miss the zollingers :)